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I think this response somewhat misses the point. Yes, Walt becomes an increasingly horrible, even evil person over the course of the show. But while Walt is dealing with a shitty reality – the entire plot of Breaking Bad hinges on the cruelty of the US healthcare system – he works to act from a position of strength. This goes a long way to making a fictional character likable, at the same time that we can recognize his actions would be deplorable IRL. But Walt’s also a white man, and this is key. Hell, Dexter is a long running show with a white male serial killer protagonist, and it’s seemed like every network wanted their own white man serial killer lately. Meanwhile Scandal, a show with a Black female lead who’s a white hat even when she’s sort of not, is a notable anomaly in our pop culture landscape, and it’s basically still on the air only because networks are now paying attention to fan reaction on the internet.
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Obama has asked Congress to authorize military strikesagainst Syria in response to what the United States says was achemical weapons attack by the government that killed more than1,400 people on Aug. 21. The issue is on hold pending diplomaticefforts to disarm Syria of chemical weapons.
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http://osimonaco.org/urinoz... urinozinc This is how America’s dysfunction at home is undermining its credibility abroad. The latest development: Obama’s desire to maintain laser focus on the Republicans for political gain has prompted him to cancel a pivotal trip to Asia to attend an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting. But it’s not just the shutdown: it is a series of issues over the past decade, chief among them the financial crisis. For decades the U.S. had been espousing the virtues of free market capitalism, urging other countries to adopt the model. America’s exceptional economic success, the thinking went, allowed it to give advice about how other countries should build their own economies.
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Several bipartisan deficit-cutting panels have urged repealof the deduction for state and local taxes paid, including theSimpson-Bowles commission appointed by President Barack Obamaand Congress. "It is hard to go into (tax) reform and not gothere," a top Senate Republican tax aide said.
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2022年10月22日 來自Cary的留言:
Kim Jong Il's purported birthday is celebrated with pomp and fanfare every year in North Korea, as it was in this
ceremony from 2018
Making their way around displays of bright red begonias, military officers from North Korea's traditional
allies China and Russia toured a flower festival celebrating late leader Kim Jong Il on Thursday.
Pausing for selfies and laughing at times, the uniformed group -- also including defence attaches from Iran and Cuba -- gave
every appearance of enjoying their visit to the Kimjongilia exhibition in Pyongyang.

"The exhibition of Kimjongilia flowers is yet another testament to the unlimited love and devotion of the Korean people to the great leader of the entire nation, Comrade Kim Jong Il!" the Russian representative wrote in the visitors' book.
It was a demonstration of the nuclear-armed country's enduring alliances, even after a year of rapid diplomatic developments on and around the peninsula, with three summits between North and South and a first-ever meeting between US President Donald Trump and
leader Kim Jong Un -- Kim Jong Il's son and successor.
A second US-North Korean summit is due in Vietnam at the end of this month, but in marked
contrast to the speculation circulating in Washington and
elsewhere, the North's official KCNA news agency has barely mentioned the meeting.

KCNA did say, however, that a delegation from Vietnam led
by Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh returned home Thursday after a three-day visit.
The North has yet to announce the date to its own people, and
KCNA last referred to the meeting three weeks ago.

Pyongyang's pursuit of nuclear arms and the ballistic missiles to deliver them to the US mainland has left it isolated on the global stage, subject
to multiple sets of sanctions from the UN Security Council and other bodies.
Even so, it still has some backers and supporters.

At past flower festivals, blooms have been sponsored by the leaders of Syria, Laos and
Palestine, but this year the Nigerian president figured among them for
the first time.

Donors sponsored flowers to "display their reverence for General Kim Jong Il", said guide Ri Yun I.

"So year after year the participants are increasing and the number of foreigners also increased."

While Trump has proclaimed that he and Kim "fell in love" through
an exchange of letters there were no flowers from
US authorities or American organisations.

"Not yet," said Ri.

"Maybe in the future."

- Blooming -

According to Pyongyang's orthodoxy, Kim Jong Il was born on February 16, 1942, at a secret camp on Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean people, where his father, the North's founder Kim Il Sung, was fighting the Japanese.
But outsiders point instead to official Soviet records showing he was born a year earlier in a Siberian village where his father was
in exile.

Either way, the North celebrates the anniversary every year with
skating and synchronised swimming shows, fireworks and the flower festival.

The Kimjongilia -- a large tuberous begonia -- was bred by Japanese botanist
Kamo Mototeru, who guides say presented it to the then North Korean leader.
His father had previously been honoured in 1965 with the Kimilsungia,
a purple orchid named after him by Indonesian leader Sukarno.
A total of 30,229 blooms were arranged into displays, many of them featuring the Mount Paektu camp and others the flag of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea.
A few highlighted development -- with one showing a train and others the Pyongyang
Maternity Hospital -- but the rockets and weapons
that have been prominent at past shows were absent.
In the centre of the main hall lay a giant map of a unified Korea, with an illuminated
star identifying Pyongyang as its capital.

"National reunification is the strong desire of all Korean people, so whenever I see a map of our country I want to unify our country," said Ri.

"Our country is a single nation, with one blood and one culture and one language."

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